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Who was Adam Macool?

Adam Macool was one of the original owners of the house in the 1800's. He was a cooper and a fisherman.... and clearly a man of great taste!


The History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, published 1890, states “Adam Macool, born in Ireland in 1823, is a son of Robert and grandson of Adam H. Macool, both natives of Scotland. He came to this country in 1827, and in 1851 he came from Providence, RI, to Provincetown, where he has since been a gauger and cooper. He is now agent for three whaling vessels. He began the manufacture of oil casks in 1858 near Atwood‘s wharf, where he has since carried on a flourishing business. He married Sara Ross. They have had four children, all of whom died in infancy.”


The Resident Directory of Provincetown Massachusetts dated 1886 states Adam Macool and Mary Macool as having a home at “Bradford c. Masonic pl.” Adam Macool worked as a cooper at 192 Commercial Street. 


More information coming as I explore the history further, and update this website. 

(Please check back soon....)




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